Monday, February 21, 2011

One of my favortie quotes

When I was a little girl I once read this quote "Be yourself...everyone else is taken." I absolutely fell in love with the quote because it told so much with just a few words. I believed I have followed this quote pretty well throughout my life and I tend to keep on following it.


I am so forgetful! I lose things and forget where I put them, I forget birthdays, anniversaries, and special dates, and most of all I forget to do things, especially blogging! I have come to a conclusion that I forget to blog because I am always doing something to take my mind off what needs to be done. I believe I need to write things down so I will for surely get them done, but I forget that too.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My favorite Memory

My favorite memory would have to be my senior class trip! It was a once in a life time experience and I wish I could go back for just a day.
The trip started out with my 15 classmates settling down on a school, which eventually took us to the East Coast. It was hard not to complain when we couldn't shower for 36 hours before we finally reached a truck stop in Pennsylvania. After we all got cleaned up, we headed to our first destination, Washington D.C. We toured all the historical landmarks and got a better glimpse on how our country was brought up. We then went to Virginia Beach for 3 days. It was a blast; the weather was nice, the hotel was welcoming, and the people were friendly. We shopped a lot and I bought a lot of stupid things that didn't need to be bought, but that's the fun in it right? We then went and toured Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and visited the St. Louis Arch in Missouri. All in all, it was a great trip and at the end, I had over 600 pictures! I wish I could go again just to experience all over.