Monday, April 4, 2011

Cascade and the dishwasher

I don't remember the exact date, but it was a day where I was sent to town to get groceries. I came home and I needed help carrying the groceries, so my dad decided to help. He sometimes gets confused between what laundry detergent is and what dishwasher soap is, so he goes:

Dad (picking up a cascade jug): Where does this go?
Me: In the dishwasher.
Later that evening when we were all done eating my mom was looking around for the cascade.
Mom: Haley, didn't  you get an cascade today?
Me: Yea, Dad brought it in.
I looked at my dad after I remembered what I told him earlier: Did you put the cascade in the dishwasher?
Mom looks in the dishwasher
Dad: That's where you told me to put it!
We had a good laugh about it